Category: Nude

Lost Among the Roses: Seductive Photography

Note: Contains nudity. Istanbul-based photographer Denef Huvaj takes beautiful, dreamy images that subtly play on themes of femininity and sexuality. Her subjects, which range from a line tattoo drawn on a model’s back to another one lying in a bed of flower petals, are drenched in pale shades of beauty and the sensual. The right side of […]

Jeremy Enecio Reveals Secrets About His Paintings

Note: Contains nudity. Using acrylic and oil paints, Jeremy Enecio beautifully combines pink and blue tones in some of his artwork. He explores complex subject matters, for example in the painting at top titled “Familiar,” it is related with a familiar spirit appearing in the form of an animal and how humans are closely connected […]

10 Nude Sculptures That Caused a Stir

What makes art controversial? Could be politics, or perhaps it’s to do with the subject portrayed or the themes explored. But very often it is because of nudity. There is something about seeing the human body in all its naked splendour that whips elderly churchgoers into a frenzy. This is very often the case when it […]

Light and Shadow in Erotic Watercolours

Note: Contains nudity. The delicate interplay of light and shadow is at work in the quietly provocative watercolours of artist Keinyo White. The way he manages to bring his subjects to life with the softest touch of the brush is a joy to behold. The depth and complexities in the contrast between light and dark on […]

World’s Most Controversial Photographers

Note: Contains nudity. There are many things that can make a photographer a figure of controversy in the media. Very often it is due to the erotic nature of their images and their liberal use of nudity. It can also be because they are shooting children in a way that people don’t approve of. You’ll see examples […]

Gorgeous Zebra-Striped Female Nudes

Note: Contains nudity. The light coming from the window blinds casts striped patterned on these bodies. It is the perfect balance of light and shadow over the curvature of the hips, buttocks, and breasts—gracefully highlighting female forms. Something that Lucien Clergue does so well. The artist will be exhibiting rare and vintage images at the Throckmorton […]

Alberto Seveso’s Painterly Nudes

Note: Contains nudity. Alberto Seveso is an Italian artist working in Bristol (UK), who is being represented by Bernstein & Andriulli in the United States and Central Illustration Agency in Europe. Let’s just say he is known. Well, he’s actually one of the top digital artists out there. His distinct creative style has mesmerized so […]

5 Artists who Love Painting Female Nudes

Note: Contains nudity. Nude art has been represented in paintings and statues since prehistory. From a liberal view in the Classical period to a conservative outlook in the Middle Ages, as well as more ups and downs in the Renaissance and Victorian eras. We now exist in an age in which body related tabus seem […]

Dali’s Skull Illusion Still Inspires

Note: Contains nudity. A skull formed by seven nude women is an optical illusion by Salvador Dali, who first made a gouache painting of it titled “In Voluptas Mors” which translates to a desirable death. In 1951, he adapted the work to a live photo shoot with Latvia photographer Philippe Halsman, as shown in the […]