Who Are You?

We are Scene360, a tattoo magazine.

Is Scene360 digital or a print publication?

Since 2000, we have been a digital publication. While we have concentrated on online media, we believe that print is still alive and that there is a need for tangible content. As a result, we have released annual print editions. Watch for the next one; follow for updates on Instagram.

Where are you located?

We are based in Portugal.

Do you tattoo?

No, we don’t. Although we are a tattoo publication, we can occasionally offer tattoo consulting. Please contact us.

Do you have any recommendations for tattoo artists?

Our goal is to document the world of tattoos through journalistic reporting, our website, and other media. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need a tattoo consultation since we have a great deal of knowledge in the subject.

Can you write about me?

That may be possible; please review our publishing page and contact us to determine whether your work fits.

How can you help Scene360?

We have educated readers about the arts, through the distribution of complimentary online publications for the past two decades. Sadly, the implementation of an undertaking of this magnitude takes place at a cost. Contributions, sponsorships, or donations are all ways in which you can assist us. Warmest gratitude!

Is there a newsletter that you send out?

Apologies, but that is no longer the case. Our magazine may be followed on Instagram, Tiktok or Threads to stay current.

Submission Terms

All submitted material (photographs or other) is accepted unless indicated otherwise. The interviewee (or featured artist, studio, book author, or individual submitting) grants Scene360 a non-exclusive license, royalty-free, perpetual, to adapt, publish, translate, and display such content within Scene360.com, or partner project, publications in any form of media.

All submitted images, artwork, and projects created outside of Scene360 are credited and remain the property of their creators.

Scene360 owns the intellectual property rights to the website’s layout, logo, and images. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise (e.g., tattoo work), expressed at the bottom of each article page.

Copyright + Specific Creative Commons Use

Scene 360 provides information for journalistic, educational, and entertainment purposes. Photographic/graphical and written content on this website is protected by copyright laws. The author is credited at the bottom of the page containing the article. To republish a photograph or full Scene360 article, please contact us for permission.

We only authorize (an excerpt of 20 words) to be shared under the “Creative Commons License of Attribution-Share Alike.” Please add text in the blockquote with credit to the article’s author, the tattoo artist’s name featured in the publication, and the link back to Scene360 (https://scene360.com).

Website design layout, logotype, and many photographs are copyright of Scene360. All rights reserved.

Republishing Content

Any downloading, re-publishing, copying, or modification of copyright contents herein may violate copyright laws.

We only authorize (an excerpt of 20 words) to be shared under the “Creative Commons License of Attribution-Share Alike.” Please add text in the blockquote with credit to the article’s author, the tattoo artist’s name featured in the publication, and the link back to Scene360 (https://scene360.com).

To republish a photograph or full Scene360 article, please get in touch with us for permission.

Publication Abuse

Scene360 endeavors to present the highest-quality tattoos and interview tattoo artists; credit is always given to the creators of the visuals (usually noted at the bottom of the page). Even publishing mistakes, such as incorrect copyright citations or misspelled names, may occur; contact us immediately to rectify the situation.

Last Updated: March 11, 2024.