Search for: animated gifs

GIF Art: Hateplow X-rays Stone Sculptures from a Past Era

To produce top level animated GIFs requires artistry like in any other art form. These 3 to 4 second motion loops can take up to 10 hours to create—photographing objects and digitally tinkering in Cinema 4D. Portland GIF maker Zack Dougherty (alias Hateplow) is an artist on the rise, capturing the interest of the web […]

Strange Ghostly Figures in Motion by Jon Jacobsen

Jon Jacobsen creates unsettling manipulations of the human body in his surreal photographic portraits. He uses animated GIFs to bring his ghoulish subjects to life, further exaggerating their pained expressions. His latest project “Insula” is a collaboration with Colombian designer Daniel Ramos Obregón, which explores how technology has become an extension of ourselves. The series […]

New Graphite Portraits by Thomas Cian

Highlighting skin textures and using double-exposure effects, Thomas Cian uses graphite and a bit of watercolor pencil or gouache to add the finishing touches to his portrait art. Already known for his Moleskine drawings, he recently published a few animated GIFs showing his start-to-finish process at Behance. Images © Thomas Cian.

10 GIF Artists Sending You into a Trance with Addictive Loops

“Choosy developers choose GIF,” developer Steve Wilhite once said about the new file format when it was introduced in 1987. The catchy tagline was a riff on the then-popular JIF peanut butter commercial. Today, GIFs are ubiquitous. They are widely shared and even the news is delivered with little snippets of the compressed animation. But […]

Obsessive GIF Artist Al Boardman on the Importance of Personal Projects

Al Boardman, prolific GIF-creator and expert animator, has created motion graphics for an impressive list of famous brands (including Nike, IBM, and Twitter). His signature style is simple yet sophisticated, with a color palette and a smoothness that sucks the viewer in. Along with work for clients, Boardman creates tons of personal projects that gets […]

10 GIF Artists Who Will Blow Your Mind on Ello

The animated GIF—which stands for “Graphics Interchange Format”—has been around before the advent of the World Wide Web. First introduced in 1987 by CompuServe, it was eventually adopted for use on early web pages. This was mostly crude animations that served as flashy banners, but as technology became more sophisticated, the use for the GIF […]

Mauro Gatti’s Funny (GIF) Tribute to Favorite Swear Words and More

“Fuck” and “Penis” are words that easily get censored on certain search engines and social networking sites. But even though the P word is the medical term for the external male organ, it doesn’t matter, it gets red flagged and often banned. Now the fun part is using these words in a humorous and web-animated […]

Evolving Geometries in a Digital World

Eva Papamargariti is a Greek digital artist and architect. Her GIFs and videos are an erratic fusion of geometry, bright colors, shiny textures, and all around high-strung sensibility. If you like to keep your Tumblr feed filled with super-fun content, don’t overlook her. All motion graphics and stills © Eva Papamargariti Via Thvdermag