Category: Interviews

Interview with Tattoo Artist Cody Eich

Soon to be a first-time dad, Cody Eich is excited about family life as he is about religion, nature, and art. His tattoo creations are visual studies of how everything in our planet, and outside of it, is interconnected. Nature and science come together in his artistic compositions including wildlife, landscapes, humans, biology diagrams and […]

Colorful Digital Art: An Interview with Archan Nair

The mystical land of India resonates in Archan Nair’s artistic creations. Color, energy, life are expressed with passion and spiritual enlightenment in each of his digital images. He produces eye-catching works on the computer like “Alchemy Resonance” and “Rainscape Rhythm,” the latter featured as one of the Top 10 submissions by readers on this website […]

Interview with Hyperrealist Artist Antonio Finelli

We are all getting older whether we accept it or not. There will be wrinkles, grey hairs, curved spines and many other changes to our bodies. It is life, the harsh reality, and one that Italian artist Antonio Finelli portrays in his series of drawings from the last four years. Men with flat caps, women […]

Interview with Watercolor Tattooer Dener Silva

A native of Rio Claro, Brazil, self-taught artist Dêner Silva has been rocking both the pencil and tablet pen as a freelance illustrator for local clothing companies and music bands such as Fresno. Silva’s personal styling—his numerous tattoos and body piercings—has often confused passers-by into thinking he was already a tattooer. But he only began exploring this art medium […]

An Interview with the Extremely Tattooed Zombie Boy

Having your own voice and style is really what most of us should have. But not all of us feel fearless to be completely ourselves. Artist, actor, fashion model Zombie Boy is exactly who he is, inside and out; his self-confidence and physical look has inspired and fascinated people worldwide. More than 80% of his […]