tiffany bozic surreal animals owls

Paintings of Surreal Nature by Tiffany Bozic

tiffany bozic surreal animals mice orb

Tiffany Bozic’s illustrations deal with profoundly universal themes through surreal representations of animals. The repeated animals are a reminder of individual and collective existence, and the balance between the two; where her anatomical depictions reveal our inner workings in a literal sense. The incredible detail of the illustrations makes them all the more surreal.

tiffany bozic surreal animals owls

tiffany bozic surreal animals rhino anatomy

tiffany bozic surreal animals cats

creature under soil/underground by tiffany bozic

girl, anatomy by tiffany bozic

birds in circle by tiffany bozic

tiffany bozic surreal animals mice closeup

tiffany bozic surreal animals fetus

Artwork © Tiffany Bozic