10 Impressive Movie-Inspired Tattoos

mia wallace in pulp fiction, tattoo

If one were to count the number of Hannibal Lecter tattoos out there, in the world, you’d be surprised with the number. Too many! There are a lot of people fascinated with this iconic villain, as well as other characters in movies such as Pinhead in “Hellraiser,” Al Pacino blindingly dancing away in “Scent of a Woman,” and The Dude looking like his usual lazy self in “The Big Lebowski.” It is all about those entertaining and memorable film scenes that people want to immortalize on their bodies.

Top: The stylish Mia Wallace (Thurman) in Pulp Fiction. By Max Pniewski.

Scent of a woman tattoo by victor montaghini

Victor Montaghini’s tattoo of Lt. Col. Frank Slade (Pacino) and Donna (Anwar) in “Scent of a Woman” (1992).

The wicked Hannibal Lecter in "The Silence of the Lambs." Tattoo by Brian Merck.

The wicked Hannibal Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991). Tattoo by Adem.

the scream and django unchain tattoos by Paul Acker

Paul Acker’s tattoos of the killer in “Scream” (1996) and Calvin Candie (DiCaprio) in “Django Unchained” (2012).

Benicio Del Toro in "Snatch." by Olggah.

Olggah’s portrait of Franky Four Fingers (Benicio Del Toro) in “Snatch” (2000).

big lebowski and v for vendetta tattoos by by Paul Acker

“The Big Lebowski” clan and V in “V for Vendetta” (2005) tattoos by Paul Acker.

Hellraiser from one of the series of films. By Stepan Negur.

Stepan Negur’s portrait of Pinhead from one of the “Hellraiser” films.

Gone with the wind by James Tattoo Art.

The memorable romantic scene in “Gone with the Wind” (1939) by James Tattoo Art.
Images © respective artists.