Aesthetics of Melancholy: Poetic Photography by Natalia Drepina

Natalia Drepina - Withering Kingdom

The ghosts of sorrow, tragedy, and loneliness wander the dormant forests of Natalia Drepina’s photography. Based in a small city in Russia, Drepina brings her love for the silence and solitude of the countryside into her art, exploring the way twisted roots, animal bones, and rain-wet earth reflect the chilled tenderness of the soul in longing. She is also a poet and a music-maker working under the name “Your Schizophrenia,” composing a multi-sensory world that echoes her thematic explorations of the soft awakenings arising through isolation and grief. By aligning fragility with the ageless, dying cycles of the natural world, her work fearlessly reveals the power and untouchable grace of vulnerability. Visit her Instagram for more.

Natalia Drepina - Winter Silenced the Birds

Natalia Drepina - missing eye

Natalia Drepina - Half-Dead Woman

Natalia Drepina - Broken Down

Natalia Drepina - The Parable of Fallen

Natalia Drepina - forest queen

Natalia Drepina - forest boy

Natalia Drepina - Doppelgänger

Natalia Drepina - The Crown of Sacrifice

Natalia Drepina - Ghostly Morning

Natalia Drepina - Twilight Cyanosis

Natalia Drepina - white moon horns

Images © Natalia Drepina (Your Schizophrenia)