Creepy Crocheted Animal Skeletons by Caitlin McCormack

Caitlin McCormack - two crocheted animals

Caitlin McCormack is a Philadelphia-based artist who crochets delicate skeletons using cotton string stiffened with glue. Her brittle creations—which include birds, small mammals, and bizarre hybrids—resemble archeological specimens, pressed in the earth and decayed by time. They writhe, unravel, and cluster together, embodying both the despair of extinction and the persistence of memory.

Caitlin McCormack - crocheted winged creatures

Caitlin McCormack - crocheted winged skeleton

Caitlin McCormack - crocheted animal skeleton

Caitlin McCormack - twisted crocheted animal skeleton

Caitlin McCormack - crocheted skeletal wings

Caitlin McCormack - detail of crocheted cluster of animal skeletons

Caitlin McCormack - crocheted winged animals

Caitlin McCormack - crocheted animal skeleton lying on side

Images © Caitlin McCormack