Complex Creatures Crafted Out of Balloons by Masayoshi Matsumoto

hornet Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

Balloon art is a common sight at children’s birthday parties, but artist Masayoshi Matsumoto has elevated the practice with his complex sculptures. Using only balloons—no markers, adhesives, or other sealants—he crafts creatures large and small and doesn’t limit himself to a particular size or species. While all are impressive, the bulbous forms lend themselves well to invertebrates and crustaceans because the contour of the satin-finished latex mimics the look and feel of shells.

Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

hermit balloon art

Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

bird balloon art

Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

frog balloon art

Balloon art by Masayoshi Matsumoto

Images © Masayoshi Matsumoto