Modern Alchemy: Symbolic Paintings by El Gato Chimney

El Gato Chimney - monkey

El Gato Chimney is a self-taught artist based in Milan. His colorful paintings are a form of modern alchemy, combining the aesthetics of medieval art (the 9th and 10th centuries) with steampunk culture, pagan symbolism, street art, and surrealism. In each piece, anthropomorphic animals and uncanny hybrids populate Bosch-like fields, gathering to perform arcane rites and rituals. The sky is frequently divided between night and day, reflecting the duality and ambiguity of Chimney’s world, where nothing is purely good or evil, light or dark. By combining different symbols and offering no conclusions, Chimney seeks to “make the beholder think and wonder instead of being a passive observer.” Visit his website and Instagram to view more.

El Gato Chimney - El Gigante

El Gato Chimney - The Catcher

El Gato Chimney - Mai Troppo Tardi

El Gato Chimney - Tra Amici

El Gato Chimney - My Black Heart

El Gato Chimney - The Oracle

El Gato Chimney

El Gato Chimney - Forgotten Roads

El Gato Chimney - Prospective

Images © El Gato Chimney 

Via designboom