Exploring the Unconscious: Dark Photos by Peter Zelei

Peter Zelei - blood bath cover

For Hungarian photographer Peter Zelei, there is no “black and white” when it comes to humanity; “I believe . . . we are a very complicated mix of good, bad, darkness and light,” he explained in an interview with Citizen Brooklyn. His photographs are filled with beauty and cruelty, with scenes and scenarios that simultaneously enchant and disturb the psyche. Dolls are frequently seen in various states of disrepair, representing the abandoned inner child who is rattling their chains at the edges of our consciousness. In many images, disparate elements and figures actually represent a singular being, divided as they are in their own biological and psychological drives. Each image functions like a dark poem, evoking fear and excitement as the mind extrapolates upon the mysterious events that Zelei portrays.

Peter Zelei - blood bath a

Peter Zelei - blood and doll

Peter Zelei - blood

Peter Zelei - Initiatio b

Peter Zelei - Initiatio a

Peter Zelei - dark woman

Peter Zelei - woman with heart

Peter Zelei - Mater Terribilis I c

Peter Zelei - Mater Terribilis I b

Peter Zelei - Mater Terribilis I a

Images © Peter Zelei

Via Dark Beauty