Category: Classic

GIF Art: Hateplow X-rays Stone Sculptures from a Past Era

To produce top level animated GIFs requires artistry like in any other art form. These 3 to 4 second motion loops can take up to 10 hours to create—photographing objects and digitally tinkering in Cinema 4D. Portland GIF maker Zack Dougherty (alias Hateplow) is an artist on the rise, capturing the interest of the web […]

Tattoo Re-Creations of Famous Works of Art

There are a lot of good intentions, but unfortunately, not everyone can pull off a famous masterpiece in tattoo form. You do see hundreds, if not thousands of tattoos of Dali’s art, even of Picasso’s and other greats. But having a master’s hand really makes a difference with the outlines, shading, et cetera. So it […]

10 Classic Erotic Movies

Note: Contains sexual references. There are a few titles that instantly pop into ones head when contemplating the best erotic movies ever made. Maybe it’s Sharon Stone in that scene in “Basic Instinct” or one of the many classics from the 70s era like “Carnal Knowledge.” Whatever your personal favourite is, in this article we’re attempting to present a […]

Alexia Sinclair Lets History Fly off the Page

In the photography of Alexia Sinclair the immense wealth of history leaps off the page in spectacular fashion, as famous figures throughout the centuries are brought to life with eye-popping attention to detail. The images displayed here were shot rather unbelievably within the walls of Skokloster Slott in Sweden, an ancient Baroque castle considered one of the […]