Brian Mashburn - Witness

Declining Horizons: Dark Urban Landscapes by Brian Mashburn

Brian Mashburn - Theseus

Brian Mashburn is an American artist who paints hazy, apocalyptic visions with oil on linen. Driven by what he deems “the soul of a hopeless romantic and the dark humour of a cynic,” he depicts unearthly, desolate worlds at the edge of collapse. In the background, towers, bridges, and cables lay half-obscured with fog, while on the periphery, blackened trees seek feebly to reclaim the deteriorating landscape. In the foreground, animals stand complacently like stark emblems of the lost world. Beautiful yet alienating, Mashburn’s detailed paintings contemplate the costs of modern urban society.

Brian Mashburn - A Wealth of Notions

Brian Mashburn - Barn Owl

Brian Mashburn - Bison

Brian Mashburn - Domaine

Brian Mashburn - Matriarch

Brian Mashburn - Kingdom

Brian Mashburn - Watusi

Brian Mashburn - Witness

Images © Brian Mashburn

Via Bleaq