The Farewell Letter: Photography by Elisa Scascitelli

farewell letter, Elisa Scascitelli

The unbearable pain inside has withered body and mind. Blood drips out and onto skin in deadly manner. The redhead awaits her final destination; a preplanned farewell. These emotional snapshots by Elisa Scascitelli narrate real-life situations and dreams. Much is related with Scascitelli’s imaginative mind that escapes into a fairy tale world with dandelions growing out of human bodies—sometimes it is magical and beautiful, other times dark and frightening.

girl with bows on braided hair, butterflies on shoulders

calligraphy pen scratches woman's chest, Elisa Scascitelli

dandelion growing out of bloody arm, by Elisa Scascitelli

lace on leg, Elisa Scascitelli

flowers coming out of underwear, Elisa Scascitelli

bloody belly button, photography by Elisa Scascitelli

shadow play, horses, Elisa Scascitelli

pink roses in hand, Elisa Scascitelli

Images © Elisa Scascitelli.