Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Hyperrealist Body Horror

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Note: Contains images that may be considered graphic and disturbing to some readers.

If you can manage to stare at these paintings by artist Fábio Magalhães long enough not to feel a bit queasy, then you will be able to appreciate the immense skill and detail that these works possess. And while the body horror content is shocking at first, it does have a purpose: Magalhães is exploring important themes such as animal cruelty through this photo-realist painting method.

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting  artist

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting  fingers

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Fábio Magalhães hyperrealist body horror painting

Images © Fábio Magalhães