Stuck in a Moment: Paintings by Jordan Kasey

surreal painting, hands

“My childhood was kind of boring,” artist Jordan Kasey explains. “I barely even played outside. There weren’t neighborhood kids and there wasn’t nature accessible from where I lived. There were many hours of boredom and watching TV—excruciating boredom.” This feeling of listlessness is palpable in her paintings. Large, often-faceless figures sit idly by, waiting for something to happen to them. But what are they waiting for? Why? It’s up to the viewer to decide, as Kasey herself admits she doesn’t know. “Maybe they are paralyzed with tiredness or maybe just enjoying a relaxing moment.”

surreal human, hole in heart

red painting

head with stuff in it, painting

dark figure, painting

Abstract figures

Figure resting with head between their arms

Images © Jordan Kasey