Imaginative Half-Sleeve Landscape Tattoos by Lisa Orth

Lisa Orth tattoo - Adam, trees and fog

Lisa Orth’s life and work is defined by the art she creates. Originally from Seattle, where she worked as the Art Director for Sub Pop records and was celebrated among the city’s queer and club scene (you can watch a documentary about her life here), she has since relocated to Los Angeles, where she focuses on her renowned tattoo art. Orth is very dedicated to her signature style, which is characterized by imaginative landscapes and flawless linework. Like print reliefs from an old book, her work has a feeling of esotericism and myth, whereby the story of a landscape is told through the quality of swirling and radiating lines. She works primarily in black ink, but adds color here and there when she feels it accentuates the image. Visit her impressive Instagram portfolio to see more.

Lisa Orth tattoo - Adam, elemental landscape

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Beth, earth astrology

Lisa Orth, tattoo - VC waves clouds

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Shayna, morro rock

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Korey, waves & ship

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Marcin, death stars

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Derek, northwest

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Michelle, explorer ship

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Ray, redwoods & bear

Lisa Orth, tattoo - Robert, Donahue pass

Images © Lisa Orth